Club Information

Realizing a symbiotic society through the local community
We aim to be a club that creates a positive social impact on the local community through sports by providing an opportunity to realize a symbiotic society where all people, regardless of disability, age, gender, or nationality, can enjoy sports without discrimination, and understand and respect each other.

Passcharise Fukuoka

Fukuoka Prefecture ▶︎ Soccer club aiming “earnestly” to enter the Kyushu League


Specialists supporting Passcharise Fukuoka

「 #passcha」

Players who have lost their competitions and lost the opportunity to appeal to play in the next stage of the competition.
The #Passcha is designed to provide an opportunity to appeal their play.

Creating videos of yourself playing and uploading them to social networking sites with the hashtag above will lead to a chance to spread the movement beyond the boundaries of competition.