Corporate Profile

Corporate Profile

name of companyGeneral Incorporated Association Paschalize Fukuoka Sports Association
EstablishmentFebruary 14, 2024
representative of a board of directors川本 夏実(Natsumi Kawamoto)
director松井 雄平(Yuhei Matsui)
石見 誠基(Seki Ishimi)
横山 光(Hikaru Yokoyama)
LocationBRAMASOLE hirao 5B, 1-10-20 Hirao, Chuo-ku, Fukuoka-shi, Fukuoka 810-0014, Japan
Our BusinessOperation of comprehensive regional sports clubs
Planning and operation of sports classes, tournaments, and events
Human resource development for local sports promotion
Research and study and provision of information on local sports promotion
Planning and sales of training equipment, apparatus, exercise bases and sporting goods
Sports awareness and dissemination and encouragement of coaching
Businesses related to the improvement of athletic performance and dissemination and promotion of sports
Training of leaders in sports
Implementation, specification, licensing, maintenance and management of intellectual property rights (patent rights, trademark rights, etc.)
All other businesses necessary to achieve the purpose of this corporation

「 #passcha」

Players who have lost their competitions and lost the opportunity to appeal to play in the next stage of the competition.
The #Passcha is designed to provide an opportunity to appeal their play.

Creating videos of yourself playing and uploading them to social networking sites with the hashtag above will lead to a chance to spread the movement beyond the boundaries of competition.