Privacy Policy

Pastoralize Fukuoka Sports Association, Inc. (hereinafter referred to as “we”, “us”, or “our”) hereby establishes the following privacy policy regarding the handling of personal information in the course of providing services for our community-based project to create a new community and “future” with the local community through the power of sports.

Article 1 (Acquisition, use, provision to a third party, and entrustment of personal information)

We will acquire your personal information by legal and fair means.
When we collect your personal information, we will collect the necessary information and notify you of the intended use or announce the intended use and use it within the scope of that purpose.
We will use the personal information only within the scope of the purpose which we have informed you of in advance. We will not disclose your personal information to any third party without your permission.
In the event that we entrust a third party with your personal information, we will provide it to them after concluding a nondisclosure agreement with them, and will exercise appropriate supervision over the entrusted party.

Article 2 (Security Control Measures)

We will implement strict security measures to prevent loss, falsification and leakage of personal information and manage it in an environment that is inaccessible to general users.

Article 3 (Response to Requests for Disclosure, Correction, etc.)

Please contact us if you believe that we are not abiding by our privacy policy or if you wish to have your personal information disclosed, amended or deleted.

Article 4 (Revision)

The contents may be revised in accordance with the enactment or revision of related laws and regulations.

Article 5 (Inquiry window)

For inquiries regarding personal information, please use the Contact Us page.

「 #passcha」

Players who have lost their competitions and lost the opportunity to appeal to play in the next stage of the competition.
The #Passcha is designed to provide an opportunity to appeal their play.

Creating videos of yourself playing and uploading them to social networking sites with the hashtag above will lead to a chance to spread the movement beyond the boundaries of competition.