Youth Soccer Information House
Japan’s first magazine specializing in junior soccer
We are impressed by the passion of the editor-in-chief of VAMOS for children, and we would like to support the children (treasures) in our own small way, so we are supporting VAMOS as a sponsor.
[Editor-in-Chief’s Thoughts]
Preserving the image of hardworking children in a tangible form.
When I was a child, I remember how happy I was when my name appeared in the newspaper and how my parents cut out the article and kept it in a safe place.
I wanted to share that kind of joy, so we are producing a free print magazine that children can pick up.
We also hold soccer clinics and events for children, inviting professional players and others.

Ishimaru Boys Soccer Club, of which President Kawamoto is an alumnus, celebrates its 40th anniversary in 2024.
With the rapid increase in the number of club teams in recent years due to the current trends, the number of youth soccer teams in towns is rapidly increasing due to the lack of players, lack of coaches, and lack of funds, making it difficult for them to survive and forcing them to close down.
In such a situation, Mr. Yuzo Tashiro, an alumnus of Ishimaru Boys Soccer Club, became the new representative to save the Ishimaru Boys Soccer Club from extinction, and MateFC Ishimaru, a club team, was born.
We sincerely hope for his courageous decision and the long-lasting prosperity of the team, and we are pleased to support MateFC Ishimaru.
「 #passcha」
Players who have lost their competitions and lost the opportunity to appeal to play in the next stage of the competition.
The #Passcha is designed to provide an opportunity to appeal their play.
Creating videos of yourself playing and uploading them to social networking sites with the hashtag above will lead to a chance to spread the movement beyond the boundaries of competition.